Morning Group Practice (禪坐共修)
The regular Sunday program at our Mitcham centre is free, and includes the following:
Morning Group Practice (禪坐共修)
Every Sunday 10.30am - 12.30pm - Guided meditation
逢星期日上午 10.30am - 12.30pm 的禪坐共修
This guided meditation session includes the 禪修流程如下 :
The morning meditation is led by our more experienced members.
Please wear comfortable clothing as we will be sitting cross-legged on the floor for meditation. If you cannot sit cross-legged you can meditate sitting on a chair.
請穿寬鬆舒適的衣服,好讓你可以盤腿坐在地板上。 如果你不能盤腿而坐,你仍然可以坐在椅子上禪修。
Morning Group Practice (禪坐共修)
Every Sunday 10.30am - 12.30pm - Guided meditation
逢星期日上午 10.30am - 12.30pm 的禪坐共修
This guided meditation session includes the 禪修流程如下 :
- Eight-Form moving meditation 八式動禪
- Sitting meditation 坐禪
- Walking meditation (indoor/outdoor) 步行禪 (室內/戶外)
- Short Dharma video with Master Sheng Yen 聖嚴師父--大法鼓開示短片
- Questions and answers 問與答/分享時間
- Free vegetarian lunch 免費素食午餐
The morning meditation is led by our more experienced members.
Please wear comfortable clothing as we will be sitting cross-legged on the floor for meditation. If you cannot sit cross-legged you can meditate sitting on a chair.
請穿寬鬆舒適的衣服,好讓你可以盤腿坐在地板上。 如果你不能盤腿而坐,你仍然可以坐在椅子上禪修。
How to Meditate
Zuo Chan (meditation) was practiced in China long before the appearance of Chan. The earlier masters practiced according to methods in the Hinayana sutras, which emphasized the techniques collectively known as samatha-vipasyana. Generally speaking, these were methods for achieving samadhi through three aspects: regulating one’s body, regulating one’s breathing, and regulating one’s mind.
坐禪(禪修)在久遠之前的中國已出現。 早期的大師按照小乘佛經的方法練習,強調統稱為samatha-vipasyana的技術。 一般來說,那都是通過三個方面來實現三昧的方法:調節一個人的身體,調節一個人的呼吸,以及調節一個人的心靈。
Find out more on New York based Chan Center website
要了解更多有關禪修的信息, 可登入紐約禪修中心網站。
Please note that it is far better to take instructions from an experienced meditator/instructor, than just reading about how to meditate. 請注意,跟隨有經驗豐富的指導者學習,比僅僅從閱讀上得到的禪修知識好得多。歡迎加入我們每週的禪修練習。
Join us in our weekly Group Meditation Practice.
Zuo Chan (meditation) was practiced in China long before the appearance of Chan. The earlier masters practiced according to methods in the Hinayana sutras, which emphasized the techniques collectively known as samatha-vipasyana. Generally speaking, these were methods for achieving samadhi through three aspects: regulating one’s body, regulating one’s breathing, and regulating one’s mind.
坐禪(禪修)在久遠之前的中國已出現。 早期的大師按照小乘佛經的方法練習,強調統稱為samatha-vipasyana的技術。 一般來說,那都是通過三個方面來實現三昧的方法:調節一個人的身體,調節一個人的呼吸,以及調節一個人的心靈。
Find out more on New York based Chan Center website
要了解更多有關禪修的信息, 可登入紐約禪修中心網站。
Please note that it is far better to take instructions from an experienced meditator/instructor, than just reading about how to meditate. 請注意,跟隨有經驗豐富的指導者學習,比僅僅從閱讀上得到的禪修知識好得多。歡迎加入我們每週的禪修練習。
Join us in our weekly Group Meditation Practice.
Eight-Form Moving Meditation 八式動禪
There are 2 versions of the Dharma Drum Eight-Form Moving Meditation, from a standing posture and from a sitting posture. We use the standing form at Morning Group Practice every Sunday.
有兩種版本的法鼓山八式動禪,有站立姿勢和坐姿。 我們每週日的早晨禪修是使用站立姿勢的。
The Dharma Drum Eight-Form Moving Meditation was developed by Master Sheng Yen of Dharma Drum Mountain as a means of allowing people living stressful and busy lifestyles to enjoy some of the benefits of Chan meditation. The system, based on many years of practice and personal experience, has incorporated the essence of Chan meditation into a series of simple physical exercises. In addition to physical exercise, practice of the Eight Forms helps you relax your body and mind, so that you can develop a healthy body and a balanced mind.
法鼓山的八式動禪是由法鼓山聖嚴師父所建立的,意讓那些有壓力和忙碌生活的人們享受禪修帶給他們的益處。這套八式動禪是跟據師父多年的實踐和經驗,將禪的精髓融入到這套簡單的體育運動中。 除了鍛煉體格之外,八式動禪練習可以幫助您放鬆身心,從而培養健康的身體和心靈的平衡。
Watch Video
You can obtain a free copy of this bilingual DVD of the Eight-form Moving Meditation from our centre (currently Chinese only version available)
有兩種版本的法鼓山八式動禪,有站立姿勢和坐姿。 我們每週日的早晨禪修是使用站立姿勢的。
The Dharma Drum Eight-Form Moving Meditation was developed by Master Sheng Yen of Dharma Drum Mountain as a means of allowing people living stressful and busy lifestyles to enjoy some of the benefits of Chan meditation. The system, based on many years of practice and personal experience, has incorporated the essence of Chan meditation into a series of simple physical exercises. In addition to physical exercise, practice of the Eight Forms helps you relax your body and mind, so that you can develop a healthy body and a balanced mind.
法鼓山的八式動禪是由法鼓山聖嚴師父所建立的,意讓那些有壓力和忙碌生活的人們享受禪修帶給他們的益處。這套八式動禪是跟據師父多年的實踐和經驗,將禪的精髓融入到這套簡單的體育運動中。 除了鍛煉體格之外,八式動禪練習可以幫助您放鬆身心,從而培養健康的身體和心靈的平衡。
Watch Video
You can obtain a free copy of this bilingual DVD of the Eight-form Moving Meditation from our centre (currently Chinese only version available)
Join our group meditation practice and learn how to benefit from Chan Buddhism meditation.
Sunday Morning Group Practice Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Hope to see new faces and old acquaintances |