星期六3月18日(早上九點 至下午1點) 以及 星期日3月26日(下午一點 至下午四點) 此禪訓班開放與社會大眾人士,將在2個星期六授課,每週1堂課,每堂4个小時,完整教導禪修行住坐臥的方法、各種禪坐的姿勢、八式動禪,說明禪坐的心態、原則、理論等。2堂課需全程參與。結業後可參加禪坐共修、禪一等進階活動。 若有兴趣参加初级禅训班,请联络 0470 690 911. 你也可以通过电邮报名[email protected] 。 报名请附上简单个人资料(例如名字,联络电话或电邮) |
An introduction to Dharma Drum Mountain’s Beginner’s Meditation Course
Sat 18/3/2017 (9am to 1pm), and Sun 26/3/2017 (1pm to 4pm The classes will be conducted over two sessions. each lasting 4 hours. To get the most from the sessions, participants are encouraged to commit to both classes over the two weekends. The classes provide a comprehensive guide on meditation: - in stillness and movement - sitting, standing, walking and resting - eight form moving meditation - correct meditation postures, and - teachings on attitudes, basic concepts and theories of meditation. By the end of the classes, participants would be able to practise meditation and prepare themselves for one-day meditation retreats, and proceed to intensive retreats in the future. Places are very limited. If you register and is not able to attend kindly call or text 0470 690 911 or email [email protected] as soon as possible so that your place can be re-allocated to someone else. |