One-Day Chanting 'Nian Fo" Retreat
Meditation Practice through mindful chanting, prostrations and walking Chan Buddhism teaches that “Chan” exists in all every day activities. In every moment, chanting the Buddha’s name - ‘A’ ‘Mi’ ‘To’ ‘Fo’ - to replace our wandering thoughts, is an effective tool for managing our emotions. Through mindfully chanting the Buddha’s name with every cell in our body, we can experience the Prajna Samadhi (perfect wisdom and compassion), and further actualise the eternal true mind. Date : Sunday 11 October 2015 Time : 9:30am to 5pm Where : 36 McDowall Street Mitcham, VIC 3132 Cost : Free, donations welcome
At One with Nature -1 Day Outdoor RetreatWe invite you to learn and understand the practice of Chan (Japanese “Zen”) meditation, where we focus on the cultivation of wisdom and compassion. By attaining freedom and ease of body and mind, we are able to apply mindfulness and wisdom to all aspects of our daily life.
This retreat will be led by visiting monastics from DDM Taiwan and you will learn how to apply simple methods of meditation and mindfulness while sitting, walking, exercising and during all other daily activities. Dates: Saturday 17th October 2015 Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm Venue: St Paul’s Missionary College Retreat Centre 11 Norton’s Lane Wantirna South, VIC 3152 Fee: $20 (including vegetarian lunch) $10 for Concession Holders Closing Date: 10th October 2015 Enquiries & Registration: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0470 690 911 |
念佛襌一 透過專注念佛,拜佛和經行体会禅修 唸佛,礼佛及经行也是一种禅修 佛教禅宗强调‘禅’就在日常生活中,行住坐卧,无不是禅。如果能用一句佛号,‘阿弥陀佛’来代替我们无时无刻窜出的妄念,这将是一种非常有效的禅修方法。 若我们能很专注的唸佛,我们可以达到一个禅定的境界,进而更能体悟我们的本性。 日期 : 十月十一日,星期日, 时间 : 早上九點半到下午五點 地点 : 36 McDowall Street Mitcham, VIC 3132 費用: 免費,歡迎隨喜贊助。 午餐: 供應素食 請穿著寛鬆衣服 詢問: 电郵 [email protected] 手機 0470690911 户外一日禅 身在哪里、心在哪里、放松身心、放下身心、清楚放松、全身放松 法鼓山墨尔本分会将在10月17日(星期六)举办户外一日禅,提供现代人在紧张繁忙的生活中,能有一个与大自然接触,让身心放松与释放压力的禅修活动。 这户外一日禅适合所有人,不论您是初学者或是已有一些禅修经验的人士,欢迎您共襄盛举。这次活动是由法鼓山台湾总本山法师带领大家一起体验生活禅,包括打坐,走路禅、吃饭禅、托水砵等等。若天气许可,大部份活动都会在户外进行。万一下雨,活动会在户内进行。不论是户外或户内,相信参加者都会有一个很好的禅修体验。以下是活动地点及报名详情。 日期:2015年10月17日(星期六) 时间:9am-5pm (早上9点至下午5点) 地点:St Paul's Missionary College Retreat Centre 11 Norton’s Lane Wantirna South VIC 3152 费用:$20 (包含午餐); $10(学生, 退休人士或有需要者,包含午餐) 截至日期:2015年10月10日 询问及报名:电邮: [email protected] ; 电话: 0470 690 911 |