Chinese Dharma Talk - Ms Helen Lee
免費佛學講座 -李翠娥居士
(免費佛學講座) 文殊大智、普賢大行、地藏大願、觀音大悲,這四位大菩薩各具特質,一直以來受著大乘佛教信徒的禮敬和祈求。我們有沒有想過以他們為榜樣, 修福修慧、利己利人,作為生生世世的事業? 本講座分享菩薩思想的由來、佛陀作菩薩時的本生故事、踏上菩薩道的菩提心、實踐菩薩精神的六度四攝。不需報名、歡迎參加、共沾法喜。 義務講師: 李翠娥居士 - 香港大學佛學碩士, 香港大學社工碩士, 香港大學文學士 日期:2016年6月4日、11日、18日 (共3堂) 時間:星期六下午2:30–4:30 地點: 法鼓山墨爾本分會 36 McDowall Street, Mitcham, Vic 3132 ( Melway 48 K8 ) 。 【講座提供中文講義、用廣東話兼普通話翻譯】 Bodhisattvas of the Mahayana Tradition (Free talks on Buddhism ) The great wisdom of Manjushri, the great practice of Samantabhadra, the great vow of Ksitigarbha, the great compassion of Avalokitesvara have ever been respected and adored by devotees of the Mahayana tradition. Have we thought of following the steps of these great Bodhisattvas life after life in gathering merits as well as wisdom, in benefiting ourselves and others? This talk will cover the origin of the Bodhisattva idea, the Jataka tales of the Buddha’s past lives, boddhicitta and the Bodhisattva path, practice of the Six Paramita and the Four Induction Methods. No prior registration is required. All are welcome to share the dharma joy. Volunteer Speaker (Ms) Helen Lee (Master in Buddhist Studies, Master in Social Work, Bachelor of Arts (University of Hong Kong) Date : June 4、11、18 (three lessons) Time : Saturday 2:30pm–4:30pm Venue: 36 McDowall Street, Mitcham, Vic 3132 ( Melway 48 K8 ) 【Notes in Chinese will be provided. Medium used will be Cantonese with Mandarin interpretation】 |